Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Longhorns are Everywhere!

by Cindy

When Jeff was applying for the job here in the UAE, one of the first things we did was to check on the location of the closest Texas Exes association. It was important to know that we could watch NCAA football and more specifically, Longhorn football. We were very pleased to find that there is a Texas Exes chapter in Dubai and in Abu Dhabi (90 kilometers away).

After we found out what date we were to arrive in Dubai, we contacted the local chapter and discovered they had a Happy Hour scheduled just five days after we arrived! We met up with about 30 other Longhorns and friends at the Dubai Marina and Yacht club.

They get together once a month for happy hour or other occasions. We will be gathering again in a few days for an Iftar. Since the Happy Hour, we have met two other Longhorns on campus who will be joining us!

1 comment:

  1. Is the Texas Exes chapter sill active? If so, can you send me some POCs? I'm heading to Dubai in the next month.



