Thursday, July 22, 2010

You can Get Everything at the Mall

Faithful readers - study the picture below closely - especially the stencils at the bottom. This photo was taken at one of the malls here - Mirdif City Centre, to be specific. What you'll notice on the sign in addition to directions to various stores, the bathrooms, and the movie theater is the arrow pointing to the mosque.

Yes, there is a mosque at the mall.

In fact, there are mosques in (or very near) all buildings. They're at the mall, at car dealerships, at government offices, at the golf course, and on campus. Some places have a full-on mosque, but others just have a small prayer room. But in either case, know that there is one in every building. If you're in the city, you are never more than a five-minute walk from a mosque.

It seemed a little odd when we first arrived - a mosque at the mall? Really? But for devout Muslims, I can see why it makes total sense. When you're supposed to pray five times a day, this is what's necessary.

Now I have to let you all know that the mall doesn't totally clear out when the call to prayer sounds. Not everyone runs for the mosque. Most people seem content to pray later, at home, or perhaps to skip it.

Mostly now we just think it's different. Without the five daily prayer times, it's just something Christians never picked up on. Prayer rooms in every building probably isn't a bad idea, though.

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