Thursday, October 22, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

by Cindy

Shortly after Jeff and I arrived we were wondering what it would take for this to feel like home. We didn't know if it would be a specific event, if one day we would wake up and feel "at home" or if over time we would gradually feel at home. I took a best guess and thought it might be when we were out and about in town and we began to run into people we know. I now know that for me, that makes it home.

This past weekend we headed into Sharjah to get our Emirate National ID. While waiting for our turn, we ran into a family that we know from campus. We had a great time 'chatting it up' (they are British) with them while we all waited. Once we finished up there, we headed to a mall in Dubai to get a gift for a family that had invited us into their home. While at the mall we ran into one of Jeff's students shopping with her mother.

In order to understand how unlikely this is, you have to first understand shopping in Dubai. There is more than 14 million square feet of shopping in the city. They do not just call them shopping malls but shopping resorts. The city boasts the largest mall in the world. To run into someone you know is not common at all.

So, I have decided that I am home. We are enjoying ourselves so much, why would we not call this home?


  1. Aww I'm glad it's feeling like home for you. I wanted you both to know how much I enjoy reading about your life in Dubai! I think it's such a neat experience...I am a little jealous but I enjoy getting to live vicariously through your adventures :o) Have a great day!!

  2. Glad you're enjoying the posts. Drop by if you're ever in the neighborhood. :)

