Saturday, August 28, 2010


by Cindy
One of the most common comments we have received arriving in the USA is "I thought you'd be a lot more tan." What people don't really seem to understand, though, is that it's hard to get a tan in Dubai in the summer - it's entirely too hot to be outside. If you come back in December, we will be tan and be spending our weekends outdoors, on the golf course, and at the beach. Think of it as the opposite of the USA - we spend the winter outside when it's nice and the summer inside when the weather is "bad" (i.e., too hot).

To give you an idea of what the summer is like, here are some weather statistics for Dubai. As you read these, keep in mind that we have about 80% humidity during the summer.

Since most of our readership is from Texas, I thought I could use Houston for comparison. Even if you haven't lived there, you know that Houston is known for its hot, humid weather. So here are the details on Houston. Note that Houston is about 10-15 degrees cooler than Dubai.

So, no, we are not tan during the summer - we seek air conditioning or better yet, leave the country all together. Even the locals leave.

When we are in the heat, there are a few things that help:
  • Multiple showers per day
  • Waterproof mascara unless you want it to melt to your face
  • Drink about a gallon of water per day
  • Don't wear glasses - they fog up when you walk outside
  • Wear light colors - it's cooler (and they don't show sweat stains)

Unfortunately, we can only dream about being able to wear shorts.

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