Thursday, September 30, 2010

How Hot is It?

People ask us from time to time - is it hot over there? Yes. Hot like you can't even imagine. Hot like Phoenix or Vegas. Stupefyingly hot. It was 115 degrees Fahrenheit on the day that we left Dubai for summer vacation (July 16). And that wasn't a record, it's seasonal, typical even.

And no, it's not a dry heat. This place is like Houston - only more humid. Yesterday morning - 94%. Last night when I was playing golf, 90%. Our windows drip condensation all summer long and our glasses fog up when we walk outdoors.

OK - enough about that. We do have a lot of wonderful air conditioning here - and since the Sheikh pays my electricity bill, it's really not a huge problem.

For your enjoyment, here are two slightly more amusing ways you can know that it's hot over here and everyone knows it:

What appears to be an egg is actually a magnetic advertisement encouraging people to use public transportation. The print on the egg white says, "It's always a cool 20 degrees C on the Metro." The whole story about this advertising campaign is here.

And this picture was taken by a Texan who lives in Qatar (which is another country here in the Gulf). She's baking cookies inside her car. They cooked in about 3 hours. They were apparently a little crispy on the outside and slightly gooey on the inside.

It is starting to cool off a little bit for fall, by the way. It was 80 this morning, and we're expecting a high of 98. :)

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