Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Milk - It Does the Body Good

by Cindy

We have all kinds of milk here.  Maybe America does too and I never paid attention but just the other day I noticed you can get a variety six pack of milk -  raspberry, strawberry, banana, camel, date and regular.  Wow, who knew.  I didn't get the six pack but I did try three of them.

Camel milk (we do live in the desert after all) is gross.  My brother and I agreed, it tastes like dirty milk.  The Banana milk tasted like you would expect and was pretty good.  It would really enhance a banana milkshake.  The date milk (we have date palm trees all over the UAE) was not very good.  It tasted like sweet milk with a bad aftertaste. 

If you are not as adventurous with your milk selections, we do have 'regular' milk for you.  'Regular' milk comes in Skimmed, Low Fat, Full Fat, Double Fat or Double Cream.  I presume Full Fat is Whole milk. I have no idea about the other two, do they take the fat from Skimmed and Low Fat and add it to Double Fat and Double Cream?!?!

The other notable thing is that the Skimmed only comes in the 1/2 gallon equivalent.  They don't even make it in the gallon equivalent.


  1. Is camel milk flavored with the essence of camel, or does it actually come from a camel? I absolutely have to know this.

  2. It actually comes from a camel. I can't imagine what "the essence of a camel" would taste like. I've read some stories lately where they are trying to mass produce the milk in America. Aside from the fact that it tastes like dirty milk, it is supposed to be served warm. I am sure for those who grew up on a farm, warm milk is not a big deal, but for me, it's gross!

